Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[Lolitatronic] To start a good looking design !

So i was playing with modeling paste until i get something cute ;)
- i get latex and make a mold before my creation vanish. (it is the brown thing on the creepy cam pics quality sorry !)
- i filled the mold with injected resin (not a good idea but i had no plaster so ... it is the yellow thing)
- then i said nice shape but how i will color that ?
- i made a sketch
- i take a creepy cam pic
- launch my GNU/Gimp draw outline, put color.
- But she is naked ! So i added some clothes ;)

Hope to use it to do a small latex doll, a plush doll... and later a lolitatronic ;)

[Lolitatronic] The born of a lolitatronic

So i was browsing on the internet looking for some dream ;0)

But i found no affordable robot girl, except Chii. That is interesting !

I was looking for a device that could add value to lolita3dbot. And that is the idea !

Instead of buying a computer, can i get a persocom for the same price ? Yes we can build a lolitatronic ! There are other projects like rooxy, real doll, project aiko ... but all those thing cost so much and you can't really rent them ;(

And what kind of lolitatronic can we build for the price of a pc ? Will see ;)