Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[Sketch Lolita] it is so easy to draw a pinup ...

Sketch pencil and paper 20 minutes

So i was flipping the book "je dessine des pin-up" from T. BEAUDENON : really good artist and book ;)

In the book it is so easy, you draw some lines, you have the cute pose, you add details, you add volume (nearly that) and ta da dammmmm : FINISH !

You got the cutest pinup ever ;0)

And when you try to do it ... you think : one more piece of crap, keep training ... that is the game...

So what are the problems... The pose is strange, eyes (are thoses really eyes ?), hair (what is that mess ?), arms (oh my god what are thoses supposed to be), hands (abstract ? no... a little hummm !), upper body do not fit the pose and in all case do not talk about feet geometry....

Conclusion : More praticing needed and when you are a beginner and you do anatomy drawing... listen to me... never ever do it without reference picture or photo otherwise the result will be ... special... let is go for special...